“Back-to-school” season is a great time for SpeakOUT. We get excited to be returning to classrooms and assemblies across the state as we speak about LGBTQ lives. And we value our connections with students and faculty who are working to improve the supportive climate in their school systems for all students.Jennifer Wolfrum, Assistant Coordinator of Physical Education and Wellness in the Lexington Public Schools, shares with us below why the high school has invited SpeakOUT into their classes for many years.
For over 20 years, SpeakOUT speakers have come into our junior health classes at Lexington High School to discuss issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity. The speakers have provided valuable perspectives, insights and life experiences that have enabled our students to better understand the issues that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people face.When asked on a course survey, 95% of all juniors recommended that SpeakOUT come back for future health classes. Here are some of their comments: “They were very informative. It is always good to hear first-hand accounts. They provide a story that no one else could, which made it very important.” “These were great speakers and they helped a lot in understanding some of the struggles homosexuals/bis go through in their everyday lives. It puts perspective on your own life and says that you need to treat everyone equally, everyone is human, and their sexual identity doesn’t make that much difference.” “I myself am straight so I didn’t really know how it felt to be gay/bi/lesbian in a non-accepting community so it helped me understand that.” “They were very helpful because people could ask questions that would be uncomfortable to ask in real-world situations, but that are important to know and understand.”See a sample of an engagement that was filmed at Lexington High School in 2014. SpeakOUT is booking engagements now for fall months. To find out more about how to bring speakers to your school, college or other venue, call 877-223-9390. Or visit our website and email us with your request.